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Help Section - Applicant Management

Video Transcript - Join an Applicant

Screen 1: Title screen
Welcome to the video help series for the Energy Rating Product Registration System.

In this video, we are going to show you how to join an existing applicant.

Screen 2: Log in to registration system
Let’s begin by logging in to the registration system using our personal account details.

Screen 3: Join an applicant or an agency
On this next page, we need to indicate if we want to join or create an applicant.

This page appears here automatically because we’re logging in for the very first time and have yet to create or join any applicants.

To join an applicant, we select this second option: “I am an authorised representative for the applicant organisation”.

We then select the “Join an applicant” button to continue.

Screen 4: Search Existing Applicants
On this next page, we enter any details we have on the applicant we wish to join so that the system can locate the correct applicant.

The more details we provide, the easier it will be for the system to locate the applicant we’re looking for.

After we’ve entered our information, we can see there is an option to include all applicants in the system in the search, including applicants that are marked inactive or pending.

To include these applicants, we simply tick the box.

Once we’ve entered our information, we select the “Search” button.

Screen 5: Applicant Search Results
A list of search results now appears on our screen and we scroll through the results to find the applicant we wish to join.

If the applicant you’re looking for does not appear in the list of search results, you may need to go back to the previous page and provide more information.

You can also create a new applicant by selecting the link provided at the bottom of the page.

As we’ve found our applicant, we select “Send Applicant Join Request” and continue.

Screen 6: Request to join applicant
We now need to check our details to confirm the information we’re providing is correct.

To confirm our details are correct, we select the tick box next to “Are all the details above correct?”

We then select “Join the applicant” to send off our request to join the applicant.

We can see that the applicant we wish to join now appears on our My Applicants page with a membership status of “Join request pending”.

The Authorising Officer for the applicant will now review the request and provide confirmation by email if it is approved.

Screen 7: Applicant request approved email
This is our email confirmation that the applicant’s Authorising Officer has approved our request to join their applicant.

We can now log in to the registration system and begin submitting and managing applications on our applicant’s behalf.

Screen 8: Join another applicant
If we want to join another applicant at a later stage under the same account, we select the Account Management tab at the top of the page.

From the Account Management page, we select the My Applicants tab.

We then scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the ‘Join an applicant’ button.

We then repeat the process that we completed when we joined our first applicant.

And that’s how you join an existing applicant in the registration system.

Screen 9: Help section
For further assistance with using the registration system, select the “Help” tab at the top of any page to go to our handy Help section, where you can find more videos and step-by-step guides to help you navigate any aspect of the system.

[Our Help section is located at].

Screen 10: Contact Us
If you cannot find an answer to your question, why not send us an email?

Simply select the “Contact Us” tab at the top of any page and fill in the form.

The more details you provide, the more we’ll be able to help you, so please include all relevant details in your email, including any attachments that might be useful.

[The Contact Us form is located at].